Part one of the hilarious FISM video

Thanks to for hosting them.

One more pic


Thanks to Daniel Rains for the pics

You da man

Banned for life

Banned for life



“FISM Lover” sent me this in the comments. Thought it worth sharing

Anyone else wanna share any amusing FISM or Derek Lever being a power mad loon realted things?

New Derek Lever news comes to me from Carl De Roma, posting on the Genii board.

“He might even do the same to you as he did to me in last years Gala Show, and beam up onto the stage by Giant TV screen for 3200 magicians, A photograph of you with a gun placed to you’re head, With the Nike logo below it, and also he placed the wording asking me to blow my brains out in front of everyone.”

Amazing. How is this man hosting FISM?

Derek Lever seems to have a ban list.

Are you on it?

Add a comment to this post if you are. Let’s see how many people he has fucked over.

I set up a fake Derek Lever Twitter account thought some of you might appreciate it.

Or DEREK LEVER will call you out in the SHOW GUIDE!

Amusing scan of the programme where in his editor’s welcome he devoted an ENTIRE PARAGRAPH slagging off someone he didn’t like who he also banned from the event. Amusingly, they’ve deleted the image I linked to. Shame, I should have downloaded it when I had the chance.

Is he actually unhinged?